Costellating The craziest kind of persons are the ones that don't realize they're crazy and act in foolish ways. You learn from different people, and who they are but you learn the most from the ones who don't seem to be thinking right. What goes through their minds? Why do they act that way? many of these answers are hard to answer by simple observation. The ones I think are the craziest of them all are entitlelist, people who feel they should be given everything and everything has to go their way. They put themselves first, and don't care about anyone else or anything for that fact. They see this egotistic kind of behavior as something "normal". I've been learning to cope with these kind of personalities, it's hard trying not to let these kind of attitudes get under your skin, but as my mom says, The crazy one is the one that pays attention and takes the crazy persons words to heart. It's better to ignore these kind of people, and if ignoring is not an option, at least make them think you care, when deep down inside you could careless about them.
What I dislike the most about these types of people, is that they want to make you feel less than them because they are entitled to be better due to their education or wealth or simply a position in what ever it is. At the same time I've realized these kind of people are actually quite miserable, they need to act that tway to "feel" better about themselves. I hope I never become an entitlelist person, because it's miserable step to take and a very rude way of thinking. Sadly we live in a society full of them, but one must not look down on society based upon these kind of individual, one must learn from them to be the best individual one can be.
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