Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mud world

One must walk amongst mud, but be very cautious of falling into it, and forever  stain the precious white robes.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Funny to watch these kids change and try to "fit in" betraying themselves. Most change when they join things at school, for example Football, Baseball, Basketball, Drill, Cheerleading and sometimes even Leadership. They go from being a mere nobody into this person who everyone like now just because he or she is part of this "ELITE" group. Not trying to say everybody in these groups  do this, but the truth is most people in them do. These groups are good self steam boosters, but this boost changes people. The person you once knew is now a thing of the past. Some cheerleaders and drill girls use this confidence boost to go after the jocks, just because everyone at school knows their name. The sad part is that some of these Jocks get so much of a confidence boost that they don't really care for the girl because they know they can pick up on another, and therefore end up hurting the girl, which causes those girls to believe every man is a jerk.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Perhaps if I

I give up, I resign. Maybe aiming at a different target could be better, cause that long shot has got me holding my breath way too long.

My Dear.

So in love with you I thought I was, I tried and tried to make you mines. Poetry I wrote, inspired by you I was. Hours I spent with a pen, figuring out what to say to such beauty as you. Proving you wrong was my goal, as I learned you said I'd never have a chance, but how wrong I was. I wish you nothing but the best, your happiness is my happiness as miserable it could leave me. Go on run run seek your soul, and someone to make it happy. All I ever cared for was your happiness, your love, and if with someone else is who you think you'll be happy with, well go on my dear, don't mind me I'm just but a lonely fool.

Friday, March 23, 2012


A city know for its romantic scenery, and town known for its rich history. Great city in which I wish to return soon, but not by myself this time. A beautiful woman to share it with

Creep- Radiohead The elements of this song are very deep and touching, found to be very true and real.One can relate to this song a lot. The best pessimist song I've ever encountered.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obD5HcxECSU This song is very true.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Endlessly searching for ways to reach that light. The light that will never set and forever shine my soul. The light that will clear all my worries and ignite my mind. If to attain that light means a better world, why not give all that I have for a chance at happiness.

Worry Words

One does not need to worry about what others think or say. If it's something positive, good, if it's negative, why give?. Do what you feel is best for you, and take advice from those you trust and that sincerely have the best intentions. Remember everything has its outcome whether it's for the good or the bad. Don't let anyone stop you from being what you want to be, there will always be people like that, it's best to ignore them and carry on. Peace.


All I need is a beautiful girl to take all over the world, share the views that lovers fell in love with. Love the old way

High School

High School, a place where some kids become adults, or do they?
Fastest four years, a place full of wanna be's, where you are mostly judged based upon how you look instead of how you think, where having the latest trends is much more important than being yourself. Some girls ignore you because you aren't cool enough, or nice looking. The truth about this is High School is the fastest 4 years of your life and the one that you'll remember forever.